© 2010 - Titli Trust. All rights reserved.
Created by Yash Sondhi

TITLI TRUST works on human-animal conflict in Uttarakhand

Key areas of interest are

a. Crop damage by Rhesus macaque
b. Human-leopard conflict

We have undertaken studies and assessments about these conflcits in Uttarakhand and seek
equitable solutions to these issues with involvement of local communities.

Human-leopard conflict

In 2014, in partnership with Dr. Vidya Athreya, Wildlife Conservation Society,
supported by the Uttarakhand Forest Department , a 2-year study was conducted in Uttarakhand
on the leopard conflcit.

The focus of the study was to

a. Assess hot spots of leopard conflict in Uttarakhand
b. Assess the perception of affected people and stakeholders about the conflict.

The full report of the study can be downloaded here.

As an outcome of the study, a one day workshop was held with the
forest department at Kalagarh on 8 April 2016. The presentation made
during the workshop, summarizing the key issues can be downloaded here.

